The 5 WORST Dating Tips for Men for 2023

The key to growing as a man, leveling up your game, and ultimately improving your results with women is being able to discern which advice is good and which advice is bad. Because the bad advice can make it literally 10x harder to achieve the growth you want. When I started off in game, I…

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How to Make a Woman Become Obsessed With You

Today’s topic is a bit advanced. But if you follow our content and put in the work, you can become advanced – to the point where pussy comes in fairly easy, with you having to work too hard for it. And once you get to that point, you still have opportunity to improve. One of…

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5 Powerful Conversation Topics that Lead to Sex

We are big believers that you need to have sex with the girl as soon as you can because sex is the ultimate form of investment from the girl. When girls have sex with a guy, they backwards rationalize that they liked the guy. The fuck ups (if any) during your interaction will be highly…

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5 ESSENTIAL Mindsets for Meeting & Approaching Women

A question I get asked a lot is, “Is it even worth it to approach women in this day and age of online dating?” Absolutely! Cold approach is still an extremely reliable source to getting dates/meeting women, hooking up, and building relationships. In fact, as online dating gets more competitive, I think cold approach is more…

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The 9 Iron Rules of PWF

At this point, you might have read about Rollo Tomassi and his “9 Iron Rules.” If you follow our YouTube channel, you’ll know that we do NOT vouch for a lot of his Red Pill approach and his book The Rational Male. Although there is some good stuff, most of the content is quite harmful if…

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How to Get a Girl into BDSM

What’s this BDSM Thing All About? If you haven’t tried BDSM or kinky sex, my god… You’re missing out. Kinky/rough sex is a hell of a lot of fun; there’s nothing hotter than having a girl tied up, teasing her and making her beg for you, watching her writhe and moan as she desperately tries…

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My Inner Game Journey – and How It Can Help You

Last week, I covered the 12 core pillars of game. If you read that piece, you know that “inner game” is one of the pillars. This week, I wanted to dig into this a bit further – by explaining inner game, and sharing my own journey with inner game to help you with your own.…

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What is Last Minute Resistance (And How to Overcome It)

Ever had a situation of where everything was going seemingly smooth on a date, but she suddenly rejected having sex with you? For example, she is receptive to your touch, physicality, giggles when you’re talking/flirting, and the sexual tension is high. Then, you pull her home (or into the bedroom if it’s a f-date), and she…

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