Travel Safety Guide: Dating and Picking Up Girls in Foreign Countries

Source: BBC Source: DailyMail Look, at PWF, we’re fans of traveling to meet girls. From accents to booties, we’re all about dating in foreign countries. But traveling has its risks. And wthis guide is to help you stay safe when you’re traveling outside of the US for game and/or hooking up with women. If you don’t…

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Easiest Place to Get Laid in the World – Where to Meet Girls

What is the Best Place in the World to Meet Girls and have Lots of Sex? Contrary to what some coaches say, pickup is absolutely NOT the same everywhere. In some countries, it’s easy to get laid. I’ve been to quite a few where I can easily bang 3 girls a day. In other countries,…

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Meeting Girls & Getting Laid in Colombia Guide

My Guide to Traveling and Getting Laid In Colombia As many of you who have been following my blog posts and Facebook group know, I spent 10 days in Colombia: exploring, having fun, and picking up girls. In this post, I will give you an overview on traveling to and gaming in Colombia, as well as…

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How to Get Laid In Las Vegas Guide (by IndianPE)

The following is a guest post written by “Indian PE” Contrary to popular belief, Sin City is not some magical pussy paradise. It is a unique city, with its own unique set of challenges and factors that must be taken into consideration. This article will dive into these and everything you need to know to…

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Getting Laid in Europe Overview

My quick summary on Getting Laid In Europe I spent slightly over three weeks in four different Countries (Finland, Poland, Romania, and the Czech Republic). During that time, I banged 14 new girls. One from Day game. One from Night game, and twelve from Tinder. Obviously, Europe is huge and there can be A LOT…

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Getting Laid and Using Tinder in Poland Overview

Getting Laid In Poland Guide

I’m going to start off by saying Poland, might be the best place for getting Laid in Europe. Not only did I do great here (banging a new girl every single day), but so has every other guy that I’ve talked to both in terms of quality & quantity. There are a few reasons for…

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Getting Laid and Using Tinder in Finland Overview

Finland Girls

Here are my overall impressions of Finland as well as useful tips for gaming and getting laid with Finnish Women. Overall, I spent a week there during that time I banged four girls (three from Tinder and one from Day game), I wrote up three of those here, here, and here. As well as all…

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Getting Laid and Using Tinder in Romania Overview

As you’ve probably gathered from my last lay report, Romania was by far my least favorite Country during my Euro trip. I pretty much disliked every single thing about it. Online game is my strong suit and it sucked. Tinder/Bumble/Badoo all were dead. I tried doing a sexual profile, non-sexual profile. No matter what I…

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