Why Learning Game Helps Your Overall Success in Life

In this guide, we’re going to go through how exactly learning “game” translates to overall success in life. It’s a common misconception that you learn game just to bang girls in your life (and maybe get a girlfriend eventually). Your initial goal may be that. But that’s not exactly how it works. Getting a girlfriend…

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7 Scientific Studies That Disprove The Redpill & Blackpill

7 Scientific Studies That Disprove The Redpill & Blackpill In this guide, we’re going to be busting the most common Redpill and Blackpill talking points of success with dating. If you’ve not heard of redpill/black pill before, thank your lucky stars and if you’re kind of familiar with it and are curious about the PWF…

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The Beginner’s Guide To Cold Approach

We often talk a lot more about textgame, online dating and how to build an online dating profile that will optimize your results in dating and meet someone to have amazing sex with. Sometimes, we also talk about approaching women in real life because Alex and I have had quite some experience approaching women in…

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5 Ways Women Manipulate Men

A lot of guys getting into the game are naive. Having not had a lot of experience with women, they think women are all sweet and nice. On the other hand, red pill and blackpill guys tend to take it too far. They assume all women are evil, which cements toxic beliefs. The truth is…

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6 Ways To Get Ahead Of 99% Of Men in 2023

In the age of strong competition, it’s extremely important to keep up. There’s more than enough average people out there and if you want to be ahead of them, you will have to keep these 6 things in mind When you look at the statistics. It’s less than 1% who are millionaires in this world.…

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Red Pill vs Blue Pill vs Black Pill – Takeaways From Each

Are you blue pill? Red pill? Or black pill? In this article, we’re going to cover what in the hell are each of these pills and their involvement in the manosphere, what are the true preachings of each and what you can take away from each. If you aren’t familiar with the pills and if…

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Starting Over in 2023: 7 Steps to a Better Life

We all have times when we wish we could start over. Maybe we’ve gone through a tough breakup, lost our job, or just feel like we’re not living up to our potential. Starting over can be scary, but it can also be an opportunity to build a better life for yourself. In this article, we’ll…

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5 Texting Myths Debunked

In this article, I’m going to bust the top 5 texting myths that are pretty commonly heard around the manosphere. It’s funny – I used to believe in many of these texting myths myself. Many of them are spouted by “top dating companies” like RSD. But over time and through experience, I learned they’re bullshit.…

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How to Handle Dry Spells

This article is going to help you deal with dry spells and how to go around them and not let you lose your mental stability (figuratively) when you encounter one. If you’ve been watching our YT, reading my guides and taking the right action for your dating life, then you’re probably at least decently successful…

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