■ Bonus – Common Inner Game Problems
Bonus – Common Inner Game Problems
Common Inner Game Problems
[/text_block]You must understand what a woman truly desires in a man and what she says she likes or wants are often very different. Women must test & weed out the pussies and the pussies mascorating around as dominant/alpha men. It’s their job. Women will always try to put you into the pussy box. They may manipulate you into believing that is what they desire in men. Don’t fall for it. Women not only laugh at pussies, but they use, abuse and take advantage of such weakness without much guilt. I am not talking about just gold diggers either. These may be and often are normal girls with average and above average looks. All somewhat attractive women know that they can get whatever they want from the weak pussies (material or emotional). They will never respect them or give back.
As a result, it is imperative that you work on becoming a more dominant, self respected man. Take more risks. Studies have shown over and over again that women very much respect a man that takes risks. Not only when it comes to women, but in life. It’s scary to take risks. It’s scary to fail. But it’s the best way to learn and get better. You will absolutely see more results when you start to take more risks. With experience, those risks will be far more calculated and far more effective. Get your hands dirty.
A pussy will spend too much time and effort on passing shit tests. Or more accurately totally failing them. Not only that, they will perceive shit tests that don’t exist. Anticipating them anywhere and everywhere. This is pussy behavior & mindset. Pussies will have great trouble closing. There’s a lot of patting on each other’s back for pulling, but are you too pussy to pull the trigger and close? A pussy will become apologetic during LMR. Hesitant and possibly ashamed rather than confidently persistent and unfazed by the resistance. As much as these women want to get fucked so bad, most have some level of resistance. Don’t be a pussy and be so reactive to LMR (don’t be too aggressive and rapey either).
Once you’ve moved up to the naturally dominant man that you need to be, you will notice the level of LMR change and your ability to solve the issues increase almost instinctively. Most guys will massively benefit from hitting the gym and lifting. It increases your testosterone, you look better, more physically dominant and you’ll often be treated as much from women. If you’re lacking in masculine qualities, there’s no fucking excuse that you aren’t lifting. Body language is very important and isn’t talked about much. Consciously focusing and fixing your body language will do wonders not only for your inner game, but women will notice. Anytime you leave the house make sure that you are portraying alpha/masculine/confident body language. It may feel fake at the beginning, but over time it will become very natural. Which will effect your inner game tremendously and you will absolutely start seeing more results. We will not get into details about body language and tone here, but there will be valuable added content about this subject in the near future.
Lastly, always be ready and willing to walk away. Do not be scared to lose a girl. This is one of the hardest things for guys. But you’ll be very surprised by how beneficial it is. You move further away from that needy/desperate mentality that many of our members have unfortunately and you become more confident. I’ve put myself in situations with women just to walk away. It helped me lose some of that clingly-ness but what I found out was that it often created and built up sexual attraction that might have never been there. Which was the beginning of me learning how to make girls chase. Don’t be a pussy. Be a leader. Be a fucking man. Have some self respect and never put the pussy on the pedestal.
2) Overthinking / Over Complicating – Also very common. These are the guys who obsess over little details or over analyze everything. This leads to them losing composure & sight of the goal, i.e banging the girl. There is a fine line between being strategic & doing the things mentioned in the product to optimize your chances of success and being neurotic & over-thinking every detail. The problem with being overly analytical is that your take-aways are likely to be wrong. Instead of seeing the few obvious mistakes you made and moving on to the next girl, you make up a hundred small issues that don’t exist.
I see this issue commonly with the die hard RSD fans. They will obsess over every little detail that they read/watched. However, this bogs down their mind and causes them to lose sight of the goal. We will read field reports where the guys break down their ratio of contribution to the conversation between them and the girl. Yet, comically, there will be no mention even trying to bang the girl. This is very flawed. Instead, keep your goal in mind, maintain composure and don’t stress about small irrelevant points.
3) Need For Respect – These are the guys who are quick to tell a girl off who they feel is disrespecting them. Typically they grew up in lower socioeconomic backgrounds and went to a tough school. They developed a hard shell and seek to be respected. The problem is that this is not real alpha behavior. A real alpha doesn’t care if other people respect him, because he doesn’t care what other people think about him in general. All he cares about is getting what he wants and living in line with his own values. This gives him a significant advantage in game over the guy who “needs respect” from some chick from the internet. The real alpha won’t become reactive at a perceived sign of disrespect (i.e shit tests, rescheduling, flaking, etc). This will result in him closing a lot more girls and generally experiencing less negative emotions. You don’t want to come off as bitter and unable to control your emotions.
4) Self Sabotage – This is a tricky one that I think most people experience on some level. They are subconsciously afraid of a certain positive outcome. This results in them making it a lot harder for themselves to achieve this outcome or even completely fucking things up. It’s a topic that entire books have been written about, but in short it has to do with a lack of entitlement and self-worth. I personally (Alex) have this problem to an extent. What has worked well for me is the following:
- Visualization – Anytime I have a goal, I consciously sit down and try to visualize the outcome. Before a date with a hot girl, I will always turn on a cold shower and visualize myself fucking her. There is a reason that almost every single successful person talks about the power of visualization, it works. Try to imagine yourself having already achieved the outcome and how you would feel. Focus in on the small subtle details to lock down the image in your mind.
- Reading Books/Stories – I want to turn Playingwithfire.com into a million dollar business. I’ll be honest, that intimidates me a bit. However, when I read Elon Musks’ or Steve Jobs’ autobiography and hear about them running multiple billion dollar companies, it actually feels a lot less scary & even pales in comparison. The same thing can be said with game. That 7 you are meeting could seem intimidating at the moment. However, if you read a lay report about a guy having an orgy with a bunch of 10s then you may realize where you are is only the beginning.
- Momentum – I talked about the power of momentum in the beginning of the product and want to point it out again. When you are on a nice roll, you can exceed what you thought your previous limits were and set a whole new level of mental limits. This is why if I have a date with a really hot girl, I will often do a few cold approaches about half an hour beforehand. I want to put my mind in a nice upward spiral.
5) Victim Mentality – This is one of the most detrimental and toxic mindsets you can have. Not only is it horrible for your inner game with women, but it is repulsive for the people around you (even ones who love you). Someone with this mentality is constantly complaining, whining, being negative and blaming others for their failures. They are often throwing themselves pity-parties when things don’t go their way instead of taking action and working hard to find a solution to the problems.
The first step to fixing this is to realize that NO ONE GIVES A FUCK. It’s sad but it’s true. People care/value results, they don’t care about reasons why you failed. In addition, it is important to realize nobody is going to come and rescue you. There are no lifeguards. That is why victims NEVER achieve any meaningful success. Being a victim is very emotionally addictive. I know, because I used to be one. However, I realized that I wanted success, travel and hot women more than the emotional high of being a victim. And over time I changed my mindset.
The best way to change is to train yourself to bite your tongue every single time you feel the urge to spew negativity, complain, or whine. If you have a victim mindset, it will be extremely difficult at first. It is like quitting heroin cold turkey. Seriously. However, trust me over time it will become easier and easier as your mind gets used to not being a victim. Instead of complaining, you should learn to compose yourself and think rationally about a solution to the problem you are having. If you are consistent and work hard to avoid verbalizing your sense of victimhood, you will eventually cut down or altogether get rid of it. [/text_block]